Christian Leaders my Identity is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

“My Identity is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” I heard this statement just the other day and it got me wondering. What does this mean to me as a Christian Leader? Let me give you some context. I was meeting with some leaders and they were discussing the pros and cons of modern preaching. The debate seemed to be about the over use of modern psychological sound bites and argument, and then claiming that these things are Godly opinion and that every Christian should be following. After all if it’s taught by a Christian and preached by a Christian and lived by a Christian, then it stands to… Read More

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A Classroom not a Greenroom.

A classroom not a green room. Throughout scripture we find that Jesus always looked at the crowd and had compassion for them. He healed the sick, cast out demons, taught them and they were amazed at his teaching. Even at night in a time and culture where most went to bed soon after dark, He was accessible and amenable to Nicodemus. When He was alone He spoke to the only person at the well, the woman drawing water during the heat of the day. It could be argued by some that Jesus was only on earth for a very short period of time and so made people His mission. I… Read More

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The Holy Spirit, mediations, and the rabbit warrens of my mind

Romans 12:2  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. I have often heard it said  “that the Holy Spirit will reveal all things to us”, While the Holy Spirit does reveal things to us, in my experience it has always been after prayer and meditation, thinking is not an optional extra, it is an iatrical part of the process. It is NOT “act first think about it later scenario” but rather allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and lead one’s thinking and be part of… Read More

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Whom shall I send and who will go for us?

Reminding myself of why I am in ministry and what church folk should consider: 1. The Nature of Ministry should be: SERVICE 2. The Motive of Ministry should be: LOVE. 3. The Measure of Ministry should be: SACRIFICE 4. The Purpose of Ministry should be: The Glory of God. 5. The Strength of a Ministry should be: UNITY Most companies will rate themselves on the Service they afford….on the Sacrifice they make to share its value…and then pin up the glory of their successes…..They will talk about pursuing the same goals…and the power of team work…. Right now the world is in need of a stability and hope and something… Read More

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